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World News24

The Ministry of Defense showed the loading of airborne equipment at the airfield in Russia, Ulyanovsk before being sent to Kazakhstan

Posted on January 8 2022, 11:13am

The Ministry of Defense showed the loading of airborne equipment at the airfield in  Russia, Ulyanovsk before being sent to Kazakhstan

MOSCOW: The transfer of the main forces of the Russian contingent of the CSTO peacekeeping forces to Kazakhstan continues from the airfields in the Moscow, Ivanovo and Ulyanovsk regions by military transport aircraft, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

In the video published by the department, one can observe how the servicemen of the Airborne Forces in the dark are loading standard equipment and weapons onto military transport aircraft at the Ulyanovsk-Vostochny airfield. It is reported that after the dispatch, the equipment will be delivered to the Kazakhstani airfields of Almaty and Zhitygen. 

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