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Russia: Kadyrov inaugurated for fourth term as Chechnya"s leader!

Posted on October 6 2021, 12:30pm

Russia: Kadyrov inaugurated for fourth term as Chechnya"s leader!

Grozny: Mandatory credit: Press Service of the Head and Government of the Chechen Republic 

Elected head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov officially took office on the day of his 45th birthday in Grozny on Tuesday.

Footage shows Kadyrov delivering a speech and then taking an oath in both Russian and Chechen languages.

"I love to repeat my father's words, who said that the truth will prevail," he said and teared up.

King's Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs, prince of Bahrain, Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa congratulated Kadyrov on his new term and stressed the value of Bahrain and the Russian Federation partnership.

"I wish you success in fulfilling your duty to the Fatherland and in all your aspirations," he said.

Ramzan Kadyrov was re-elected as the head of the Chechen Republic for his fourth term as he got 99.7 percent of votes in the elections in September.

SOT, Ramzan Kadyrov, Head of the Chechen Republic (Russian): "I love to repeat my father's words, who said that the truth will prevail."

SOT, Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, prince of Bahrain, King’s Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs (Arabic): "I am also glad to congratulate you on your victory in the local elections and on your new term in office. I wish you success in fulfilling your duty to the Fatherland and in all your aspirations."

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