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US Congressman seeks sanctions against Pakistan for 'assisting' Taliban offensive!

Posted on September 9 2021, 03:59am

US Congressman seeks sanctions against Pakistan for 'assisting' Taliban offensive!

Washington: A US lawmaker has sought sanctions against Pakistan for reportedly aiding the Taliban offensive in Panjshir.

“If confirmed, not only must we cut off all aid, we must enact sanctions. Pakistan is now showing what they lied about for years, they created and protected the Taliban,” Congressman Adam Kinzinger said.

Kinzinger said this in a tweet after a Fox News report quoted a CENTCOM source saying that the Pakistani military are assisting the Taliban offensive in Panjshir, including 27 helicopters full of Pakistani Special Forces, backed up by Pakistani drone strikes.

Congressman Kinzinger represents the 16th Congressional District of Illinois.

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Congressman Kinzinger represents the 16th Congressional District of Illinois.

US Congressman seeks sanctions against Pakistan for 'assisting' Taliban offensive!
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