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Only losses, tragedies’: Putin blasts US for imposing ‘norms’ on Afghanistan for 20 years!

Posted on September 1 2021, 13:25pm

Only losses, tragedies’: Putin blasts US for imposing ‘norms’ on Afghanistan for 20 years!

VLADIVOSTOK: Washington tried for 20 years to impose its standards on Afghanistan and that has resulted only in tragedies and losses, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

"For twenty years, the American troops were present on that territory and for twenty years they attempted - and we can say so without hurting anyone’s feelings - to ‘civilize’ the people living there," the Russian leader said at a meeting with schoolchildren on the occasion of Russia’s Knowledge Day during his trip to the Far East.

However, in actual fact, they tried "to introduce their norms and standards of life in the broadest sense of this word, including the political organization of society. This has ended up only in tragedies, and only in losses both for those who did this, for the United States and, all the more so, for the people who are living on the territory of Afghanistan," the Russian leader stressed.

"The outcome is zero, if not downright negative," Putin emphasized.

The Russian president also dwelt on the causes of what had happened in Afghanistan. In Putin’s opinion, the answer is simple. "If someone does something towards other people, he must proceed from the history, culture and the philosophy of life of these people in the broadest sense of this word. It is necessary to treat their traditions with respect. One has to understand that nothing must be imposed upon other people from outside," the Russian president pointed out.

The necessary situation "must ripen," Putin pointed out. "And if someone wants the situation to mature quicker and more qualitatively, it is necessary to help people. Yes, this can and must be done, but this has to be done in a civilized manner and accurately, supporting positive trends and without any haste. One has to be patient. Look at what is happening now," the Russian president explained.

If all these factors are ignored, even historical ones, then "no positive results can be actually achieved," Putin noted.

"Of course, we must consider all these facts first of all for ourselves," the Russian leader stressed.

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