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World News24

Travel warning for 8 countries from the USA!

Posted on August 11 2021, 01:10am

Travel warning for 8 countries from the USA!

WASHINGTON:The US State Department has added 8 countries, including Israel and France, to the list of “high-risk countries” where new types of corona virus (Covid-19) cases have increased and “avoid all travel” advice.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has updated its travel warning to countries where Covid-19 cases are increasing.

Aruba, Esvatini, France, French Polynesia, Iceland, Israel, Laos and Thailand were included in the list of “high risk countries” where the “avoid all travel” advice was given.

As part of the travel restrictions imposed by the USA to combat the Covid-19 epidemic, the entry ban on non-US citizens who have been to China, the Schengen area, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil, South Africa and India in the last 14 days continues.

Travel warning for 8 countries from the USA!
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