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Ramzan Kadyrov Iofficially inform: officially declare to you that all these cities will be returned back

Posted on September 11 2022, 14:50pm

Ramzan Kadyrov  Iofficially inform:  officially declare to you that all these cities will be returned back

MOSCOW: I, Ramzan Kadyrov, officially declare to you that all these cities will be returned back. There are already our people, specially trained guys. Ready to leave for another 10 thousand fighters.

- We will reach Odessa in the near future and you will see concrete results.
“I am not a Department of Defense level strategist. But mistakes were made. I think they will draw conclusions. When you tell the truth in person, then this or that people who deal with this or that issue, this or that problem may not like it. But I always like to tell the truth. We talked with the commanders at the fronts.

- If today or tomorrow changes are not made to the conduct of a special military operation, I will be forced to contact the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, the leadership of the country in order to explain to them the situation that is really on the ground. The situation is very interesting, even "awesome" I would say.
— There is a small plus in the fact that we gave them a few
cities and villages. Without advertising, we brought our people, special forces, to special missions. They are there and have started their work.

- I know one thing. Russia will win. NATO "shaitans", Western intelligence services and their weapons will be suppressed by the spirit of our fighters.

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