MOSCOW: Today is the sixth day of Russian offensive in Ukraine and Putin’s army has surrounded the capital Kyiv. The Russian army is now launching vigorous attacks to capture Kyiv. Alam is that Russia has destroyed the entire military base of Ukraine in Sumy area. Not only this, only Russian soldiers, their tanks, artillery, rocket launchers are visible for 64 kilometers on the way towards Kyiv. Many countries, including the US, claim that Putin’s mission to Ukraine has failed, but experts do not agree. Let’s understand….
In 1941 close to one million Russian soldiers died defending Moscow from German invasion. Many of these soldiers were in fact not soldiers at all, but instead ordinary people who took up arms to defend their city. Students dropped their books for guns; released prisoners exchanged their freedom for battle; and women fought alongside men on the bloody, mud-covered frozen road to Moscow. By the time the United States entered the war the Germans were already retreating and a decisive victory had been won for the Allies And USA Never stood alone Always And Russia Always alone. 1941 is a dramatic, changed Moscow the world
......An analyst from the European Military Agency told the Asia Times website, ‘The Russians are not in a hurry. They will attack and divide the Ukrainian army into several divisions. After this they will either ask the Ukrainian army to negotiate or kill them. This is the traditional strategy of war. Siege is going on in 3 places of Ukraine from Russia. The first is moving south where Russian troops are advancing west of Mariupol. The city is the largest city in the Donbass region, which has recently been recognized by the Russian army.
Know on which strategy Russia’s army is growing
The Russian army is moving north to the west of the 70-km-long highway connecting Mariupol and Mykolaevka. In the Donbass, Russian forces are bypassing the Line of Control to heavily armed Ukrainian forces. This now threatens to attack the Ukrainian army from behind. On the other hand, the Russian army has already surrounded Kyiv. The mayor of Kyiv was silent for a few seconds when asked about the plan to evacuate civilians after the capture of the Russian army.
The mayor of Kyiv said, we cannot do this because all the roads are now blocked. Right now we’re surrounded. Google Maps has revealed that the road near the capital, which is located on the western bank of the Duniper River, is closed. It is believed that Russia is trying to kill at least civilians, otherwise it will not be politically correct for Putin. Ally Russia is also trying to keep it from launching one-on-one attacks on Ukrainian military fronts and avoiding fighting inside streets in cities.
Hitler’s army did a horrific attack in Kyiv
Instead, Russia’s military is working on a strategy to cut off Ukraine’s best military from the arms supply and then get them to negotiate a table with Russia on their own terms. The Russian army knows this entire route and strategy very well. During the Second World War, Ukraine faced the largest siege in the history of wars. In 1941, the first battle of Germany’s attack on Russia’s South-Western Front took place in Kyiv itself. 7 lakh Russians were killed in this. Later the Russian army again captured this city.