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Neo-Nazi groups demonstrate in Chueca shouting "out of our neighborhoods"!

Posted on September 20 2021, 00:17am

Neo-Nazi groups demonstrate in Chueca shouting "out of our neighborhoods"!

Madrid: Neo-Nazi groups have charged yesterday afternoon in the Madrid neighborhood of Chueca against the LGTBIQ + collective shouting “out of our neighborhoods fagots”, in a demonstration called by the platform Madrid Safe that has been developed by the crowded Madrid neighborhood.

The incident occurred in the middle of the demonstration called by said organization to protest against the ‘2030/2050 Agenda’, although in the live images that the platform itself has broadcast through various channels on social networks, many of those present chanted songs against the menas, immigrants and were accompanied by various nazi symbology.

The act, which took place in the Chueca Square at 5:00 p.m. This Saturday, September 18, he has traveled the most central streets of the Madrid neighborhood until he reached the Plaza del Sol, at which time various passers-by have been able to record the derogatory chants towards the homosexual community with their mobiles.

Both videos, which have traveled through Twitter like the foam, have not taken long to reach the profiles of some of the politicians in our country. Íñigo Errejón, a deputy from Más País, has not been slow to show his rejection in his personal account of the social network.

“These mindless men who shout their arms raised” out of our neighborhoods, fagots “are only the spearhead of the reactionary wave. Some point out the most vulnerable while others play at equidistance. We must defend freedom, street by street”, explained in the tweet.

Neo-Nazi groups demonstrate in Chueca shouting "out of our neighborhoods"!
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